Monday, April 21, 2008


In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

-The Rasul (SAW) was asked the meaning of Ikhlas and he said that he would ask the Great Angel Jibra’eel (AS). When he asked the archangel, he said that he would have to ask Allah, thus showing the importance of the question and of getting the right answer from the Highest authority.
Allah’s reply was: “It is a secret of My secrets. I have deposited it in the heart of the Abd (slave) that I love. No angel knows it, so it is not written, and no shaytan knows it, so it is not spoiled.”

-Mukhlis means to be sincere and a Mukhlaas is a sincere one chosen by Allah. These are the people who achieve the highest stage of Ikhlas and are Allah’s dedicated friends - awliya.

-There are three levels of Ikhlas – Sincerity.
The first is darajat al aawaam – The level of the common people, - those who ask for earthly desire and for the Hereafter.
The second is darajat al khawaas – The level of the special people, - those who ask for heavenly favours and
the third is darajat khawaas al khawaas – The level of the elect of the special people - those people whose sole purpose is to be good servants of Allah – Ubudiyyah.

-Shaykh Ibn Ata’alla in his book, The Book of Illumination shows us how to attain these high levels of Ikhlas - sincerity. Firstly, correcting one’s deeds through Ikhlas – sincerity and actively taking part and contributing in righteous deeds and secondly, correcting one’s sincerity by vigilantly keeping away from fame. To be distant from show and ostentation in ones intention and conduct. Other factors as superogatory prayers that are most essential to instill the value of Ikhlas in our hearts, as it is with these prayers that a servant of Allah draws closer to Him.

-The fine words of Jalaludeen Al Rumi advices that:
“You should be sincere in your deeds,
So that the Majestic Lord may accept them.
Sincerity is the wing of the bird of the acts of obedience.
Without a wing, how can you fly to the abode of prosperity?”

-Ikhlas - sincerity and fame cannot be together in the same heart. One needs to be strong to get rid of hypocrisy, which is the direct opposite of sincerity. Our heart must be free from our lower desires – hawa and must be pure for a union between Allah and our spirit – the ruh.
Ikhlas must reflect in everything we do – our intentions, our Salah, etc.

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